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Top 5 ecommerce myths you should avoid

Ecommerce is continuing to grow and with more and more people now opting to shop online, over heading to a brick and mortar store, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t get your business online. Despite it’s evolution however, there are still a number of misconceptions when it comes to selling online. Due to naivety or perhaps, a lack of information, many still go wrong when running their online store, luckily we’re here to dispel these myths and get your business on track.

Once my website is built, traffic will come

There’s a common belief that if your website it beautifully designed and your products look great then people will come to your website. Unfortunately however, this isn’t how it works. People aren’t going to find your website without a little effort on your part. Using marketing tools such as SEO, PPC, email marketing and social media, as well as having a unique and targeted website are simple, yet effective ways for potential customers to discover your website.

Pricing is the number one factor customers consider

Whilst it is true that your customers are likely to be conscious of money, nobody can definitely say that pricing is the only determinant factor in their buying decision. There is often more than one factor to consider when making an order online, such as delivery method, trustworthiness, reviews and even the design of your website. It can be tempting to focus on being a price leader but it’s worthwhile instead to focus on being competitive, then you can use your other features to stand out.  

Cheap to run

It’s true that it can be cheaper to initially start up your ecommerce business through the likes of online marketplaces, once you business well and truly kicks off, ecommerce businesses can be just as costly to run as a brick and mortar store. From the cost of website hosting, the web site design, marketing and even things like storage space for your products, there are still many costs to consider when running an ecommerce website.

No experience necessary

Many believe that to run an online business you don’t need much, if any, experience, however this isn’t the case. When it comes to opening an ecommerce store not only do you need to fully know what you want and expect to achieve from your business but you also need to know the fundamentals of online commerce, payment systems and even marketing before you can even begin thinking about opening your online store.

It doesn’t matter which ecommerce platform you choose

Your choice of ecommerce platform is possibly one of the most important factors when it comes to the launch and running of a successful business. Whilst you might not realise it but each platform varies, meaning it’s important that you find the perfect one to suit your business.

Your ecommerce business can be successful, it’s all about separating the myths from the reality, taking care of the small details and being cautious of the pitfalls. If you do your research and work hard, there’s no reason why you can’t be achieving online success.

Article By
Sarah Seymour,
Published: 22nd July, 2016
Categories: Ecommerce

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