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5 Of The Best Social Media Practices You Should Put Into Place

Social media can be tricky, making your social media work for your business is not something that can be taught, leaving many business owners feeling pressured into trying to optimise every single social media platform, constantly generating content and spending all day everyday communicating with their audience. 

This added pressure can result in poor quality posts, low interaction rate and overall a poor  performance across your social media platforms. With social media growing in popularity every single day, it’s important you get it right, luckily we’ve put together a short list of the 5 best social media practises you should be using within your social media platforms.  

Use Images  

Images are one of the most engaging elements you can include in your social media posts, posts with images or graphics are much more likely to grab attention than posts with feature text alone. Our brains love images, not only are they often more engaging but it’s easier for many to digest information on images, than just text. From images of your products, your team or even photos of fun things that may be happening within your business can all be fun ways of including imagery in your social media posts.  

Keep Your Post Short 

Shorter posts are often better, while you might think that including lots and lots of text is the best way to get your message across, in fact the shorter your posts the more chance you have of reaching out to your audience. Your audience don’t want to spend too much time reading your content, they want to be able to quickly read your message and get on with their day, don’t bore your audience, a brief post is worth a lot more than paragraphs of content.  

Be Social 

If you’re looking to build your following on social media then it’s a good idea to speak to people, your customers, other brands and even your brand ambassadors. By communicating with others through your social media platforms you can show that you care about learning more about your supporters and are willing to respond to them, share their content and ultimately give something back to those who support your brand.  

Include Links 

If you want your social media posts to leave an impact then you should consider using links within your posts. While not every post needs to link to something, including links to your products, your blog or specific pages of your website can be simple yet effective way to increase clicks and drive traffic to your website. Be sure to post a link with content that is relevant however, you don’t want to fool your customers into believing they’re going to one link, only to end up somewhere they don’t want to be.  

Post Consistently 

Don’t forget to post consistently, you don’t have to be posting all day everyday but you do need to be posting content at least twice a day. Posting constantly one day and then disappearing for a couple of days can show that your brand is inconsistent, letting your audience believe your service or products may be also.  A lack of posting can also make it hard for people to keep up with your content, discouraging them from following your platforms or ultimately following your brand. 

Social media can be hard to crack and varies greatly per business, however by following these five steps you could be well on your way to growing your social media presence, increase your following and improving your reach. 

Article By
Sarah Seymour,
Published: 30th November, 2016
Categories: Marketing

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